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Lipstick stains on my white shirt

Roxy Christenson

Updated: Apr 4, 2023

So the inaugural post... what was I thinking!? I've never really blogged before; I did one a long time with my cooking and baking but we're talking YEARS ago. But this will be my first one in Second Life and while I'm not 100% sure what I'm doing, I'm here for fun and to enjoy it. To share things I find interesting or beautiful. I like things that are different sometimes and you'll see a bit of my quirkiness in my outfits and posts. I'll try and be myself and let you see all of those sides of me and not hold back. Sometimes walls go up and I worry you all won't want to hear my ramblings, but that's ok! Again, I'm here for fun and I'm excited to see where this path takes me.

Ok so let's talk about this blog name. I wanted something different and while doing some searching, came across the image of red lipstick stains on a white shirt and just fell in love with it. Those hot kisses where you leave those lipstick stains and let every other person know, he's yours. So I grabbed Cody and told him what I needed him to wear and made him do a photo with me. He didn't complain too much!

There's not much to blog about the outfit and the look here in this photo; this was done more for the look and the lipstick stains. The Tres Blah top is one of my favs, I love almost everything they make and I'm always at C88 buying their outfits. They're cute, always fit great and just have enough of that girly feel that I like.

Thanks for checking out my first post, for listening to my ramblings and I hope you keep coming back because I have lots of fun things planned for the future!

Hugs and lipstick kisses



The Look

  • TRUTH Mischief - Essential

  • alme. Mesh Stiletto Nails - Metallic Hearts (boxed) (reborn)

  • LeLUTKA Raven Head 3.1


  • Izzie's - Cheek Freckles (Evo X & BOM & Omega)

  • Veechi - Star Moles / Dark Left - Evo X

  • [Glam Affair] Maxine Skin [Lelutka EvoX] Caramel

  • .: Vegas :. Tattoo Applier Siren

  • Velour "Chilseled" Cheek

  • Tres Blah - Devin Top (Reborn) - Navy

  • Vibing -- alicia rings -- gold

  • e.marie // Sienna Earrings - Golds

For the guys, Cody's wearing the //Ascend// RON shirt and vest. It's one of my favorites and when we've done some Harry Potter roleplay, it looks great as a young Dumbledoor vibe. And I mean really, a Jude Law look? I'm totally in!


About Me

For the love of donuts 2048.png

I've been in Second Life for over 14 years and enjoy all of the new things that I get to experience every day.  There's so much to do and see, the words "there's nothing to do in SL" have never left my lips; I keep busy the best I can and enjoy my time here.

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