That Is How You Princess
Featuring: *AMANI*, [hi5h]
This whole thing started because of a stripper pole... not sure how many often I will ever say that again, but here we are! [hi5h] put out this amazing Super Mario Bros. inspired stripper pole and you can see the details and the features down below, and I just had to buy it! After that, building a Peach outfit was the next part and *AMANI* didn't disappoint! I added a few bricks and coins and had a complete Super Mario Brothers look!
The Peach Costume from *AMANI* was just the cutest! It comes in Legacy, Legacy Perky, Maitreya and Reborn with a Dress, Gloves, Crown, Shoes and Earrings. The panties and thigh high socks are system layers and it also comes with alphas for the dress and the gloves. I changed out the shoes for this one, they come with medium height and I really wanted that stilettos look, but the shoes provided match the outfit perfectly! The skirt lays very nice around the thighs and the little puff around the shoulders and arms make it just perfect.
The [hi5h] level up stripper pole came in a variety of colors for the flag, has the coolest animation when getting on the pole and has an array of dance options. When you sit on the pole, your avatar moves to the bottom of the stairs, you do the classic Mario jump and the coins disappear and points pop up as you collect the coins. You then jump to the top of the pole and do that iconic slide down before you start dancing. The thought that went into this is just amazing and I absolutely love it!
This photo gave me such nostalgia and was a nice little walk down memory lane of such an iconic game.

The Scene
[hig v.] level up stripper pole red
Kharg Design - Mario Coin
Kharg Design - Mario Block
The Look
*AMANI* Peach Costume
TRUTH Tempted
Buxom Store - Berlin Heels
.: Vegas :. Tattoo Applier Skulloff
REBORN - Waifus - Addon
Nuve. Rhea Body Skin
lel EvoX Raven head
Izzie's LeL Evo X Cheek Freckles
Velour "Chiseled Cheek" Sienna